Hajj and Umrah
As a new Muslim, you might be wondering about Hajj and Umrah, their importance, and how they are performed. Below is a clear and simple explanation with proofs from the Qur’an and Sunnah.
1. What is Hajj? (The Major Pilgrimage)
Definition of Hajj
Hajj is an obligatory pilgrimage to Makkah that every Muslim must perform once in their lifetime if they are physically and financially able.
It is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and takes place once a year in the month of Dhul-Hijjah (the 12th month of the Islamic calendar).
📖 Allah commands in the Qur’an:
“And Hajj to the House (Ka‘bah) is a duty that mankind owes to Allah, for those who can afford it.”
(Surah Aal-e-Imran 3:97)
2. What is Umrah? (The Minor Pilgrimage)
Definition of Umrah
Umrah is a non-obligatory but highly recommended pilgrimage to Makkah that can be performed at any time of the year.
It includes some of the rituals of Hajj, but it is shorter and simpler.
📖 The Prophet ﷺ said:
“The performance of Umrah is an expiation for the sins committed between it and the previous one.And the reward of Hajj Mabrur (the one accepted by Allah) is nothing except Paradise.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
3. Difference Between Hajj and Umrah
Hajj is an obligatory pilgrimage for financially and physically able Muslims, performed only during specific days of Dhul-Hijjah, while Umrah is optional and can be done any time of the year.
Hajj includes more rituals (like Arafat, Muzdalifah, and stoning the pillars) and takes several days, whereas Umrah is shorter, involving only Tawaf, Sa’i, and hair cutting/shaving. Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam and offers greater spiritual rewards.
4. The Rituals of Hajj and Umrah
A. Ihram (Entering the Sacred State)
Before starting Hajj or Umrah, you must enter the state of Ihram.
This means wearing special white clothing (for men) and making the intention for Hajj or Umrah.
📖 The Prophet ﷺ said:
“Actions are judged by intentions, so each man will have what he intended.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
B. Tawaf (Circling the Ka‘bah)
Walk seven times around the Ka‘bah (the black cube in Makkah).
Start from the Black Stone (Hajr Aswad) and say:
“Bismillah, Allahu Akbar” (In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest).
📖 Allah says:
“…Then let them groom themselves, fulfil their vows, and circle the Ancient House.” (Ka‘bah).” (Surah Al-Hajj 22:29)
C. Sa’i (Walking Between Safa and Marwah)
Walk seven times between the two hills of Safa and Marwah.
This is in remembrance of Hajar (the wife of Prophet Ibrahim) searching for water for her son Ismail.
📖 Allah says:
“Indeed, Safa and Marwah are among the symbols of Allah...” (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:158)
D. Shaving or Shortening the Hair
Men should shave their heads or cut their hair short.
Women should trim a small portion of their hair.
📖 The Prophet ﷺ said:
“May Allah have mercy on those who shave their heads (after Hajj or Umrah).” (Bukhari, Muslim)
✅ This marks the completion of Umrah.
5. Additional Hajj Rituals (Only for Hajj)
A. Standing at Arafah (Wuquf)
On the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah, pilgrims gather at Mount Arafah and make dua and seek forgiveness.
This is the most important part of Hajj.
📖 The Prophet ﷺ said:
“Hajj is Arafah.” (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood)
B. Staying at Muzdalifah
After sunset, pilgrims move to Muzdalifah and spend the night praying and collecting pebbles.
📖 Allah says:
“…When you return from ’Arafât, praise Allah near the sacred place (Muzdalifah) and praise Him for having guided you, for surely before this ˹guidance˺ you were astray..” (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:198)
C. Stoning the Jamarat (Throwing Pebbles)
On the 10th-13th of Dhul-Hijjah, pilgrims throw seven pebbles at the three stone pillars (Jamarat) in Mina.
This represents Ibrahim’s rejection of Shaytan (Satan).
D. Sacrificing an Animal (Qurbani)
On Eid al-Adha, pilgrims sacrifice a sheep, cow, or camel in remembrance of Prophet Ibrahim’s sacrifice.
📖 Allah says:
“So pray to your Lord and sacrifice [to Him alone].” (Surah Al-Kawthar 108:2)
E. Final Tawaf (Tawaf Al-Wada)
Before leaving Makkah, pilgrims perform a final Tawaf around the Ka‘bah.
📖 The Prophet ﷺ said:
“None of you should leave Makkah until he performs the last Tawaf.” (Muslim)
6. Who Must Perform Hajj?
📖 Allah says:
“Pilgrimage to this House is an obligation by Allah upon whoever is able among the people. And whoever disbelieves, then surely Allah is not in need of ˹any of His˺ creation..” (Surah Aal-e-Imran 3:97)
✅ Hajj is mandatory for Muslims who:
Are physically able.
Can afford the journey.
Are mature (past puberty).
Are free (not enslaved).
❌ Hajj is NOT required for:
Children (they can go but must do it again as adults).
Those who cannot afford the trip.
People with severe health conditions.
7. The Rewards of Hajj and Umrah
📖 The Prophet ﷺ said:
“The reward for an accepted Hajj is nothing less than Jannah (Paradise).” (Bukhari, Muslim)
📖 He also said:
“Whoever performs Hajj to this Ka`ba and does not approach his wife for sexual relations nor commit sins (while performing Hajj), he will come out as sinless as a newborn child, (just delivered by his mother)” (Bukhari, Muslim)
📖 Regarding Umrah, the Prophet ﷺ said:
“One Umrah to another is an expiation for the sins committed between them.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
Final Words for a New Muslim
🌍 Hajj and Umrah are powerful experiences that bring you closer to Allah.
✅ Hajj is obligatory once in a lifetime if you are able.
✅ Umrah is highly recommended and can be done at any time.
✅ Both erase sins and bring great rewards.
Would you like help with Hajj planning or learning the duas for Hajj and Umrah? 😊