What is Shirk ?

Types of Shirk in Islam

1. Major Shirk (Shirk Akbar - الشرك الأكبر)

This takes a person out of Islam and is the most severe form. It includes:

  • Worshiping other than Allah (e.g., praying to idols, saints, graves, or anyone besides Allah).

  • Believing others share Allah’s divine attributes (e.g., thinking someone has power over life, death, or the unseen).

  • Seeking help from spirits, the dead, or false gods instead of Allah.

  • Making dua (supplication) to anyone besides Allah (e.g., calling upon a prophet or angel for divine assistance).

Example from the Qur’an:

"And they worship besides Allah that which neither harms them nor benefits them, and they say, 'These are our intercessors with Allah.'"

(Surah Yunus 10:18)

2. Minor Shirk (Shirk Asghar - الشرك الأصغر)

This does not remove a person from Islam but is still a major sin. It includes:

  • Riya (Showing off in worship) – Doing good deeds for praise rather than for Allah.

  • Swearing by someone other than Allah (e.g., saying "I swear on my mother’s life").

  • Believing objects bring good luck (e.g., wearing amulets or charms believing they have power).

Hadith on Minor Shirk:

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:

"The thing I fear most for you is minor shirk: Arriya (Showing off in worship)."


How to Avoid Shirk?

  1. Strengthen Tawheed (Oneness of Allah) – Always affirm that only Allah has ultimate power.

  2. Rely Only on Allah – Seek help, guidance, and blessings only from Him.

  3. Avoid Superstitions & False Beliefs – Reject charms, horoscopes, and fortune-telling.

  4. Say Astaghfirullah & Repent – If you ever commit an act of shirk, sincerely ask Allah for forgiveness.

  5. Educate Yourself – Learn the difference between true Islamic belief and cultural practices.

Would you like more information on how to strengthen your Tawheed? 😊