Declare Your Faith
Join us in embracing Islam through our Shahada video call for new converts and seekers.
Steps to take the Shahada
Taking the Shahada (the Islamic declaration of faith) is the most significant step for anyone embracing Islam. It's simple yet profound, as it marks the official acceptance of Islam.
If you are a new Muslim what does shahada means to you :
All past sins are erased when you accept Islam. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:
"Islam wipes out whatever came before it (of sins)." (Sahih Muslim 121)
You start fresh with a clean record. Everything you do now will be counted.
Allah is Most Merciful, and He rewards even the smallest good deeds.
Below is a step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Understand the Meaning of Shahada
The Shahada is a testimony of faith and translates to:
"Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadur rasulullah."
This means:
"I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."
Before taking the Shahada:
Understand that Islam is a monotheistic religion where Allah is the only One deserving of worship.
Acknowledge that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last and final messenger of Allah.
Reflect on this belief and ensure it aligns with your convictions.
Step 2: Cleanse Yourself (Optional, but Recommended)
Performing a simple act of cleansing can make the moment spiritually significant:
Take a bath (ghusl) or perform ablution (wudu).
Wear clean clothing to symbolize spiritual purification.
This step is not obligatory but can enhance the spiritual experience.
Step 3: Find Witnesses (Optional)
While not a strict requirement, having at least two Muslim witnesses (or more) present is encouraged. Witnesses can:
Testify to your Shahada if needed for official purposes (e.g., a certificate of conversion).
Welcome you into the community with support and guidance.
Step 4: Recite the Shahada
To officially embrace Islam:
Recite the Shahada aloud in Arabic:
"Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadur rasulullah."
You may also say it in your native language to reinforce understanding and sincerity.
Repeat it slowly and with full intention (niyyah) from your heart.
Step 5: Confirm Sincerity
It’s essential that you:
Believe the Shahada wholeheartedly without any doubt.
Commit to following the teachings of Islam as much as you can, gradually learning and improving.
Islam does not expect perfection immediately—it's a journey.
Step 6: Seek Guidance and Support
After saying the Shahada:
Let your local mosque or Islamic center know about your conversion. They can provide resources, classes, and a supportive community.
Begin learning about the basics of prayer (salah), fasting (sawm), and other pillars of Islam.
Ask questions and take time to grow in your faith. It’s a gradual process.
What Happens After Taking Shahada?
Clean Slate: All past sins are forgiven, and you start your new journey as pure as a newborn.
Learn Gradually: Begin by learning the basics of Islam at your own pace.
Prayers and Worship: Start performing the five daily prayers when you're ready, and learn the Quran step by step.

Take an appointment to take your Shahada
A member of our group will arrange an appoitment to witness your Shahada online via Google meet.
Please fill in the form so we can schedule your appoitment .
The Shahada—"La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadun Rasulullah"—is more than just a statement; it is the key to unlocking the deepest truth of existence. It is the moment the heart awakens, the soul finds its home, and the purpose of life becomes clear.
To say La ilaha illa Allah is to acknowledge that nothing in this world—no wealth, no status, no desire—deserves our ultimate devotion except Allah, the One who created us, sustains us, and loves us beyond measure. It is the realization that true peace comes not from chasing this fleeting world but from surrendering to the One who controls it.
To say Muhammadun Rasulullah is to embrace the guidance of the most noble and beloved messenger, whose life was a mercy, whose teachings illuminate the path to Allah, and whose example is the perfect blueprint for how to live with faith, love, and righteousness. The Shahada is not just words spoken by the tongue; it is a commitment made by the heart, a transformation of the soul, and a doorway to eternal salvation. It is the moment a person is reborn—not physically, but spiritually—cleansed of all past sins, embraced by the mercy of Allah, and welcomed into the fold of Islam, where they will never be truly alone again.
Witnessing Shahada
Join us in declaring faith through a supportive and welcoming online environment for new converts.
Faith Declaration
Experience a guided process to declare your faith with compassion and understanding from our community.
Supportive Community
Connect with others who have embraced Islam and share your journey with a caring community.
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